Guide To the Hardest Working Daycare in Chicago

Bilingual Early Education, Chicago Preschool

The beloved poet Carl Sandburg once called us “The City of the Big Shoulders.” We like that description. It conveys the “get-down-to-work” ethic all Chicagoans share.

So what is the hardest working Daycare in Chicago?

The choices can be overwhelming so let’s explore some of the options of what’s out there and why we think Rayito your best option in Chicago:

Traditional childcare centers aka “Daycare” / community centers:

At traditional daycares, children are often grouped together by age and preoccupied with activities deemed appropriate for their age group. Daycare centers tend to be larger and staff according to group size – not by specialty.

More critically, they essentially “sit around” a great deal during the day, at a time when their brains are most receptive to learning.

Preschool based programs:

Preschool programs are meant as a prep for primary schooling. While this is important, at Rayito we believe in the STEAM education approach which utilizes all avenues of learning to deliver education to the child. 

STEAM represents not just: SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY ENGLISH, and MATH but includes the ARTS which is oftentimes a gateway to understand deeper concepts like complex problem solving, dialogue and critical thinking. 

Bilingual PreSchool

Rayito combines the benefits of both models and then adds an advantage of bilingual education in a language that is soon becoming an essential life skill for future citizens–especially in America. It is no accident that 52% of corporate CEOs are bilingual and that over half of them are fluent in Spanish. 

What makes Rayito a special place to begin your child’s education. Which we believe is the hardest-working option you can find.

To learn more about our programs, visit us.

November 20, 2019