Rayito Preschool Covid-19 Preparedness Plan

Chicago Preschool, Preschool News
covid 19 safety at daycares

We want our families to know that we care deeply and prioritize the health and safety of each child in our care.  Rayito de Sol Staff will work directly with the Department of Health and Center for Disease Control (CDC) for the duration of this pandemic to ensure we keep everyone safe while operating during this public health crisis.

Frequent Handwashing Plans to Mitigate the Risks of COVID-19

All staff and children at Rayito de Sol must follow established handwashing protocol during the following times:

  1. upon their arrival at our center,
  2. after coughing or blowing their nose,
  3. before and after preparing food or drinks,
  4. before and after eating, handling food, or feeding children,
  5. before and after diapering,
  6. after using the toilet or helping a child use the bathroom,
  7. after playing outdoors,
  8. after handling garbage.

Additional critical details related to handwashing protocol:

  • Staff and children must wash their hands for 20 seconds.
  • Rayito staff will assist children during hand washing, especially infants and young toddlers.
  • Rayito de Sol has the Center for Disease Control approved handwashing procedures posters located at each sink.
  • Hand soap and paper towels are always available at each sink.

We use each handwashing period as a continued learning opportunity to enforce hygiene standards for our Rayito de Sol children!

Cleaning and Disinfecting Plans to Mitigate the Risks of COVID-19

Rayito de Sol is routinely cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting surfaces and frequently touched objects, especially toys and games, using guidelines established by the Center for Disease Control and the Department of Health.

Rayito de Sol centers have a designated person assigned to complete routine cleaning and sanitizing of the entire facility, as mentioned above.

Rayito de Sol center management has also implemented a specialty disinfection program.  This disinfection process is completed on the weekends by a professional service provider.  This is an additional step Rayito de Sol is taking to add to our safety and sanitization protocols.

All cleaning materials are stored safely and securely out of the reach of children.

Arrival and Departure Modified Procedures to Mitigate the Risks of COVID-19

  • Rayito de Sol staff will be present to greet children upon arrival and assist with departure periods to limit access to the facility and classrooms.
  • Families are directed to not bring children to the center that have symptoms.
  • Children are screened upon arrival. Staff will complete a visual inspection of each child for signs of illness, which could include flushed cheeks, rapid breathing, or difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity), fatigue, or extreme fussiness.
  • Staff and children are required to wash the hands of each child before entering their classroom.
  • Children’s temperatures are taken upon arrival. Temperature screenings are monitored throughout the day – taken at least 2-3 times throughout the day.
  • We notify families of their child’s temperature readings daily through our Daily Connect App.
  • Staff temperatures are monitored throughout the entire day.

Social Distancing

  • Access is limited to the facility and classrooms.
  • Social distancing signs are placed outside for families to wait “six feet apart” to assist with this practice.
  • Classrooms include the same small group of children each day.
  • The staff assigned to a classroom remains consistent throughout the day.
  • Children’s’ napping cots are spread through the room to ensure social distancing.  Cots are cleaned and sanitized daily.
  • We have postponed special events such as festivals, holiday events, and special performances for the time being.

Face Coverings

  • Masks are always required.
  • Rayito de sol families and staff wear their mask or face covering within this context as they have contact during arrival and departure periods.
  • Staff members wear face-coverings during the day while in their indoor work area.
  • Children should not wear cloth face coverings unless they can reliably wear, remove, and handle the cloth face-covering throughout the day.
  • Cloth face coverings are NOT put on infants or children younger than the age of two because of the danger of suffocation.

Playground Use

  • Staff and children are outdoors 2-3 times a day as weather permits.
  • We stagger playground use rather than allowing large groups to play together.
  • Handwashing protocol is followed before and after using the playground or being outdoors.

Meals and Snacks

Modifications to our meals and snack procedures at Rayito de Sol are as follows:

  • Rayito de Sol provides recyclable utensils under the “Green to Go” ordinance.
  • Catering services are canceled for the time being. All families are responsible for providing lunches from home following the bagged lunch requirements.
  • Infants and Toddlers eat their meals and snacks in their assigned classrooms.
  • Preschool and Pre-K use the cafeteria in smaller groups for meal periods.
  • Snacktime for Preschool and Pre-K is done in their assigned rooms.
  • All of the equipment is cleaned and sanitized after each use.

Field Trips and Events

All field trips are canceled until further notice.

Workplace Ventilation

Rayito de Sol has taken steps to minimize airflow blowing across people. We have no standing or oscillating fans that are blowing air around in the building.  Our building’s ventilation system is closely being monitored.  We are also encouraging more outdoor activities with a minimum of children going outside 2-3 times a day.

Rayito de Sol is continually assessing our building facilities for improvements.  Where possible, we will maximize the amount of fresh air being brought in, limit air recirculation, and make sure ventilation systems are being correctly used and maintained. 

Plans for Identifying and Excluding Sick Children and Staff

Rayito de Sol conducts daily health checks of all children and staff to reduce exposure risks. Rayito de Sol is monitoring the temperature of all children and staff 2-3 times a day.

Our regular Child Illness Policy remains in place, which states, in part:

Exclusion from the center is sometimes necessary to reduce the transmission of illness. For your child’s comfort and to reduce the risk of contagion, we ask that children be picked up within 1 hour of notification. Before pick up, your child will be kept comfortable in a separate area where they will continue to be observed for symptoms. All children and staff must stay home until symptoms have improved. Parents and staff are responsible for following the health provider’s specific return guidance.  

Families and staff who have not had an official medical evaluation but are exhibiting symptoms consistent with having COVID-19 must stay home for at least ten days from the day symptoms first appeared.  There must be no fever for at least three days without medication, and all other symptoms must have improved before returning.

Following exclusion guidance, we will ensure that children, staff, and volunteers stay home when sick. 

***We encourage families and staff to seek medical attention if exhibiting signs of COVID-19*** 

When we have questions or concerns about a child or staff member exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, we will reach out to the Department of Health at health.schools.covid19@state.mn.us (Email is the current required procedure) and follow their direction related to the situation at hand. We will communicate any necessary information for families and staff as directed.

If a child or staff member is diagnosed with COVID-19, we will reach out to the Department of Health at health.schools.covid19@state.mn.us (Email is the current required procedure) and follow their direction related to the situation at hand. We will communicate any necessary information for families and staff as directed.

November 2, 2020