How Immersion Learning Enhances Intelligence

Bilingual Early Education, Chicago Daycare Near Me

Why Immersion learning builds intelligence

Before you are even expecting, deciding your child’s schooling can be overwhelming. 

Giving your child the gift of language is an important start for a lifetime of success and continued learning. 


Spanish Immersion does not mean a sole focus on learning spanish. 

At Rayito, we use a unique STEAM approach to education for your child. “STEAM is an educational initiative created by the Rhode Island School of Design that adds the arts to the original STEM framework. According to the Rhode Island School of Design, “The goal is to foster the true innovation that comes with combining the mind of a scientist or technologist with that of an artist or designer.” The addition of the arts to the original STEM framework is important as practices, such as modeling, developing explanations, and engaging in critique, and evaluation (argumentation), have too often been underemphasized in the context of math & science education” (University of San Diego)

Using a creative curriculum allows children to not only learn another language but enhances their academic skills and  ability to grasp challenging concepts. 


As our culture becomes more diverse and global, having an awareness of differences is an essential life skill and rarely taught in conventional schools.  “Cultural intelligence is related to emotional intelligence, but it picks up where emotional intelligence leaves off. A person with high emotional intelligence grasps what makes us human and at the same time what makes each of us different from one another. A person with high cultural intelligence can somehow tease out of a person’s or group’s behavior those features that would be true of all people and all groups, those peculiar to this person or this group, and those that are neither universal nor idiosyncratic. The vast realm that lies between those two poles is culture” (Harvard Business Review) 

Learn more about why Spanish Immersion learning builds intelligence Rayito de Sol and schedule a tour today

September 12, 2019