Benefits of Speaking Spanish to Infants

Bilingual Early Education, Spanish Immersion Day Care
learning spanish at an early age

At Rayito de Sol, we understand the many benefits of bilingual education. From our classroom curriculum to physical activities, we are always incorporating Spanish into the lives of our students. There are many benefits of exposing children and babies to a second language. However, the greatest benefit can be found when you start early. During infancy, the child’s brain is a learning machine. What better time than now to expose your child to a second language and gift them all the excellent benefits of language immersion!

Research presented by Janet Werker, psychologist at the University of British Columbia, studies babies that were conceived into bilingual households. Dr Werker has found that bilingual babies possess certain abilities at birth which babies exposed to just one language don’t. For example, a newborn from a monolingual household will show a preference for listening to its native language only. On the other hand, babies born into a bilingual home show equal interest in both languages they have been exposed to in the womb.

Dr Werker’s research demonstrates that all babies-monolingual and bilingual-possess the ability to discriminate between different language classes. Unfortunately, the monolingual infants loose this ability by just eight months of age. Babies who are exposed to more than one language learn how to prioritize and sort information. All that mental juggling appears to be a good thing for the brain.

Raising your child to be bilingual is truly a gift. Raising your child to speak both English and Spanish promotes cognitive flexibility, strong memory function, and allows them to experience another culture. The earlier you expose your child to bilingualism, the better. Find out more about Rayito de Sol’s Spanish Immersion Program by scheduling a tour.

July 16, 2018